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Rumi Zen Zapp

Enter the captivating dream world…

Now available on Amazon for Paperback, Kindle, and now Audible. - Home - Home - Home

About The Author

Rumi Zen Zapp is an emerging author and creator of magical realism stories. Originally from New Paltz, where he still resides and finds his daily inspiration.

Rumi enjoys observing the mysteries of life and nature on long walks. He is fascinated by dreams and spirituality, and explores these themes in his writing.

When not crafting his mystical tales, Rumi can often be found reading works by authors like Gabriel Garcia Marquez, communing with friends old and new, or listening to music that takes him to fantastical inner worlds.

The Dream Wife is Rumi's debut novel - an imaginative tale that merges fantasy, romance, and spiritualism. It is a story close to his heart that he is thrilled to share with the world. More dream-like adventures await. The journey has only just begun... - Contact


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Until we connect, may your dreams guide you.
